Monday, November 4, 2013

     ENDA, an act to prohibit the discrimination of sexual orientation in the workplace, is in high debate and being voted on currently by Congress in our national government. But whether or not republicans know they'll be losing more and more voters, it seems the only thing that changes a republican member of Congress' mind is if they have a gay family member. Even if every single democrat and independent in the Senate votes for ENDA, additionally 5 republicans will have to vote for the legislation as well (making 60 votes total). One can only hope some of these republicans will see the light, and why this bill will be beneficial for everyone. With the way the attitudes of American's are dramatically changing on gay rights, they'd be stupid not to pass said act. 

     A part of this bill that is loosening some conservative's views is that employers affiliated with a religious group are not subjected to the law. Although it doesn't completely defeat the purpose, it is still a bit unfair. Sexual orientation has absolutely no effect on a man's ability to work, and in my opinion ENDA should already be in effect; no questions asked from ANY company. 

     "I have stood up to social dinosaurs in every such battle - segregation, interracial marriage... and we have prevailed every time in favor of freedom and liberty for those not infringing on the rights of others."

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