Thursday, December 12, 2013

This blog post is in response to Alex Jasso's "Ridiculousness taken to the next level". I thoroughly agree with everything Alex wrote; how could any hospital even begin to think that not giving a patient a necessary procedure would be okay? As a woman, I cannot even imagine the suffering that the woman must have felt. Honestly, I think I would be downright disgusted to have my miscarried child still inside of me, for any period of time. She was only 18 weeks pregnant at the time that her water first broke, so I'm sure this was over quite a long period of time... She was sent home multiple times, even though she claimed to be in "excruciating pain". Who's to say the woman would have even wanted to get rid of the baby? But once there's no chance of the baby being viable, then it should be a completely acceptable procedure, no matter what. I can't imagine what kind of stress and desperation the woman must have gone through during this time.

The article actually pissed me off quite a bit. What that hospital did was preposterous- and they deserve to lose everything they have built up. Religion should never come before a patient's health. She had an INFECTION that NEEDED to be treated. I just think that is so unacceptable.

Why she didn't decide to head to a different hospital is a different story though, you better believe I would have been trying every possible option to have the procedure done.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

GROW the Economy!!

With the public opinion shifting more and more towards favoring the legalization of marijuana, one can hope that every state will eventually get on board. It makes no sense not to legalize it- all that marijuana "prohibition" causes is counter-productivity; it's ineffective and negatively effects the economy. Now, with the legalization of marijuana, we'd have the medical perks, a better economy, and happier citizens.

With legalization in Washington and Colorado, one can only hope that the rest of the United States will see the benefits. These two states have figured out laws and regulations that make it so there's virtually no negative effects for the population.

Not to mention the fact that alcohol is legal. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against alcohol, but it is definitely more damaging than our green friend mary jane. I think that if we are allowed to drink legally, why not let us smoke? This substance is literally GOOD for us. Not a single overdose case, no nasty side effects, and no depression or anger issues stem from marijuana- can you say the same for alcohol? (NO!)

I'm willing to guess that with the legalization of weed, crime rates would go down, economy would go up, and our loyal but unlucky citizens with cancer, glaucoma, etc could be happier and actually see more life.

With Uruguay and more and more of our states here in the US legalizing or at least taking steps towards the legalization of marijuana, I think we will see other states following suit in the near future.